
Key facts The essential characteristics of the option R&S®SMAB-K724 called “high dynamic uninterrupted level sweep” are:
  • A level sweep which can be performed without any blanking (= uninterrupted) …
  • … combined with a very high dynamic range …
  • … and a very low level error

Brief description When measuring the gain transfer function of an amplifier with internal ALC there are main requirements that an analog signal generator has to fulfill. First, a wide level range must be provided. This is more or less a common requirement met by most signal sources. Secondly – and this is more important – the required level sweep for measuring the gain transfer function must be glitch or blank free. The R&S®SMA100B together with the option “high dynamic uninterrupted level sweep” (R&S®SMAB-K724) can be ideally used for measuring the gain transfer characteristic of e.g. a TWTA (Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifier). With its glitch free dynamic range of more than 70 dB, it surpasses the 40 dB or more needed for testing TWTAs by far.
Interruption-free level setting range level setting characteristic: uninterrupted level setting >20dB
  with R&S®SMAB-K724 option, 52 MHz < f ? 20 GHz, level setting characteristic: high dynamic uninterrupted >60dB, 70dB (typ.)